Thursday, February 17, 2011

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else

I would have to say that homesickness is probably one of the worst things ever. You feel very alone and just want something familiar. It's not really a feeling I'd wish on someone! Aside from all the homesickness I had been feeling coming here, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I love my family here! We are all in school (as my host mom is a teacher) and so we talk about school all the time. We are actually all doing homework (sort of) right now while getting ready for dinner! Yep, it's great! :) We always have delicious food for dinner. Lots of potatoes and fish! My new favorite thing is mashed potatoes with carrots mashed right in! It's delish! I spend time with my host siblings usually watching One Tree Hill or helping Kevin pick out cars to race on the Xbox. It's enjoyable just to hang out! It is weird for me to have so much time to do things other than study but it's so nice to get to know some other people as well.

I have been making some friends here too! Swedish and American ones. It is a different kind of friendship than I'm used to. The people in the program with me didn't have any more in common than coming to Sweden when we first arrived. Now that we have figured out each other a little more we are all getting along quite nicely. It's nice to have friends here! I have met some Swedish people through the Lindy-hop group I found. They are really nice and it's interesting to hear about life from their perspective! I think I'll be able to go to some more dances and meet even more people! You'll hear all about it don't worry!

While riding the bus home from school, I was struck (once again) by how cool all of the buildings look here! They all have similar looks and that look is cool! It is quite a different experience living in a big city versus Peoria but it is a good one to have. I am able to get around on public transportation every day. Compared to the first day, I never thought I would learn! I have come pretty far which is a good feeling to have.

I feel like I have learned something about myself after being here for almost 4 weeks. The first 2 weeks of any new thing are incredibly difficult for me! I have a hard time dealing with big changes I suppose. Being someplace or doing something so different than what I am used to really throws me off my rocker. I just don't know how to act so I kind of freak out. I'm not able to act how I normally would because I'm so shocked. Next time I go somewhere completely new I will know this and maybe I'll be able to handle it better. The key is to see if I really learn something from my experiences. I guess we'll know when I go to grad school in a year or so! :)

There was a moment a few weeks ago when I thought I shouldn't have come. The next thought I had was that I wouldn't know these people or this city. That thought made me really sad. This semester in Stockholm is going to be quite an experience that no one else will have. I am going to take it all in and learn something about this planet I live on, the country I never cared about before, and what kind of person I am! I think it will be good.

VĂ„LKOMMEN TILL STOCKHOLM! (Welcome to Stockholm!) 


  1. I'm glad you've adjusted to Stockholm, Beth! Sorry to hear about the homesickness, I've rarely even been out of state so I can't say I can relate. I do know, however, that we all miss you! It's not as much fun going into the lab when I know you won't be there to chat about all of our nerdy ideas.

    Personal curiosity of mine... Have you seen any metalworking shops in Stockholm? (Blacksmiths, whitesmiths, goldsmiths, ferriers, etc)

  2. Ethan! I miss our nerdy lab conversations as well...we will have them soon enough I promise! :) oh and I'm very excited that things with the knockouts are going well! Keep me posted.

    I have not seen many metalworking shops but I will keep my eyes peeled for them. I am sure there are some here I just don't know where!

  3. Excellent! I'm looking forward to some exploration discoveries.

    I had your notebook yesterday and it felt pretty weird reading through it and using it, considering how much work was in there. I'm treating it nicely though so don't worry!

    I was highly amused by a statement I found though- "Remember, this is biology so close enough is good enough!"

  4. Thank you for treating my notebook nicely! There is space in there for more work so add to it! :) I'm glad you are amused by my writings. I remember writing that and it is still true! haha! Yea science!
